Join the #coronocleanupSA and win during lockdown
Join the #coronocleanupSA and win during the lockdown South Africa's extensive coronavirus lockdown is placing a strain not just on us as individuals 😷 but on our waste management infrastructure.…
Join the #coronocleanupSA and win during the lockdown South Africa's extensive coronavirus lockdown is placing a strain not just on us as individuals 😷 but on our waste management infrastructure.…
Abundance during the lockdown: A guide to growing food from scraps BY DIONY LALIEU No matter where in the world you are right now, there is no doubt that…
Blue Ocean event with heart and soul It is customary at SA Longboarding Champs not only to surf your heart out but also to live an ocean lifestyle that is…
Blue Ocean Events and creating Future Ocean Guardians, because we C.A.R.E. At Ocean Pledge we developed an ethos called C.A.R.E. Which is built on the premise that our greatest achievements…
Just support OceanPledge and turn the tide on Single use plastics On Thursday the 19th of April two GB Long boards, that are up for grabs at this years S.A. Long boarding Champs…
At 10 am tomorrow, the GB Board that will be awarded to the winner of the OceanPledge SOUL SURFER is getting its paint job! The board is getting hand painted…
IS THE OCEAN YOUR CALLING? WIN A GB LONGBOARD BECOME THE NEW OCEAN PLEDGE - SOUL SURFER Thanks to, & GB Surfboards In the name of marine conservation, we…
Here we go. Its time to hand over the torch to the next Soul Surfer to inspire others to be the change and take on the fight of protecting this…
OceanPledge is branching out its fight on Single use Plastics to events broader than surfing. What better place to start with local musicians who are also trying to raise awareness…
OceanPledge is running a charity drive. For this years GB S.A. Longboard champs in Lamberts bay, OceanPledge is running a charity drive to give back to the local community and share the…