Turning awareness
into action
Photo: @finnaganflint
Like infinite drops in the ocean rising in a powerful wave, together we can co-create the tide of change.
Join us in turning up the volume on single-use plastic.
The choice for cleaner oceans begins with you
When our reliance on non-renewable resources becomes so pervasive and all-consuming that its strengths threaten our very existence on this planet, an intervention is required.

Challenge yourself to lead the change

28 Day Challenge #28: I pledge to make a lifelong commitment (even a small one)
Well done! You have reached the end of the #28DayOceanPledgeChallenge, and with that, you have a good solid start to changing your subconscious behaviour and

28 Day Challenge #27: I pledge to support local businesses
It’s difficult to be completely aware of the impact that a product or service has on the environment. Even if you make excellent decisions to

28 Day Challenge #26: I pledge to be alert about greenwashing
We’ve been discussing sustainable product choices a lot during the 28 Day Challenge. But, there is a HUGE elephant in the room – greenwashing. But